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The History Of Pest Repellents

Mark Schwarz
Mark Schwarz

Throughout history, people have used various methods to try to keep bugs away. Smoke from fires, for example, has been used to keep mosquitoes at bay since ancient times. In the middle ages, people hung plants and flowers around their homes, believing that the pleasant aromas would drive insects away.

In the late 19th century, American inventor Thomas Edison was working on a new type of light bulb. He discovered that if he used certain materials in his bulb, it would create a high-pitched noise. He thought this might be a way to keep insects away from his bulbs, and so he patented the pest repellent.

Edison's repellent didn't work very well, but in the 1950s, a man named Dr. William S. Snyder developed a new and improved version. Snyder's repellent was much more effective at driving away insects, and ultrasonic bug repellents have been used ever since.

Ultrasonic repellents work by emitting a sound that is too high for humans to hear. Insects, however, can hear the sound, and it is incredibly annoying to them. The sound drives them away from the area where the repellent is located.

Today, ultrasonic bug repellents are marketed as a safe and effective way to keep insects away from your home. They are sold as stand-alone devices that you can plug into an outlet, or as part of a larger pest control system.

Do ultrasonic bug repellents really work? The jury is still out. Some studies have found that they are effective at repelling some types of insects, while other studies have found that they have no effect at all. But if you're looking for an environmentally-friendly way to keep insects away, an ultrasonic repellent may be worth a try.